Brits urged to check these seven driving laws before holidaying abroad this summer


With the summer holidays just around the corner, an estimated 5 million Brits are expected to drive across the channel into Europe this summer to enjoy the sun. 

With this in mind, driving experts at Nationwide Vehicle Contracts have revealed the international driving laws you must be aware of when driving abroad this summer. 

From driving with a dirty car or driving shirtless, driving fines will vary depending on what country you are travelling through, so familiarising yourself with these laws will help you stay safe and avoid any fines. 

7 international driving fines to be aware of this summer 

  • Don’t use a SatNav with speed camera notifications in France or Cyprus 

Using a SatNav when driving in France or Cyprus could result in a €1,500 fine as the technology can alert drivers of upcoming speed cameras. International authorities say: “you can use your SatNav, but make sure you disable the functionality that detects and warns of the locations of speed cameras’.’


  • Don’t drive shirtless in Thailand 

In Thailand, it is illegal to drive shirtless. Even if the sun is out and you feel really warm in the vehicle, don’t be tempted to strip your shirt off as you could be handed a fine of 500 BAHT. 


  • Avoid driving a dirty car in the UAE

In the UAE, driving a dirty car can result in fines of 500 AED – this could be extreme dirt, dust or any other signs of neglect. However, if a car isn’t cleaned, these fines can rise to 3,000 AED so be sure to clean your car when in the UAE this summer. 


  • Ensure you have the correct equipment in your car when driving in Europe 

For Brits driving abroad this summer, there is a certain amount of equipment you need to carry in your car when travelling across the border. Most countries will require you to carry a reflective jacket and warning triangle at best, but be sure to check international authorities’ websites to make sure you have the right equipment. Not having the correct equipment could risk a fine of €1,500. 


  • Make sure you stick to the correct speed limits in each country you visit 

Before driving abroad this summer, make sure you research motorway speed limits in your chosen country as they may differ from the UK limit. While Spain is 75 mph, France is 81 mph and Belgium is 75 mph, you don’t want to be caught out. Every country has its own range of fines for this offence, this is a minimum fine of €711 in Norway. 


  • Adjust your headlights before driving in Europe this summer

If you are driving on the right side of the road in another country, it’s a legal requirement for drivers of UK vehicles to adjust their headlights, if driving in France without a convertor fitted, you could be looking at a €90 fine.


  • Don’t stick limbs out of a vehicle in Australia, unless signalling 

In New South Wales, Australia, drivers need to be mindful of keeping their limbs in their vehicle, unless signalling, as it could result in a fine of AUD 337.

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