Electric Cars – Does the Reality Match the Hype?


Electric cars are the future of transportation, right? Well, maybe. It’s certainly true that electric cars offer a lot of tantalizing benefits: they’re quiet, smooth and even fast in some cases. But there are some drawbacks too. This article will explore the pros and cons of electric cars so you can decide if it’s something that interests you—or not!

Electric Cars: Saving you time, money, and the environment, right?

If you’re a fan of saving the environment, at first glance, an electric car sounds like it will be right up your alley. The electricity that powers electric vehicles comes from the same sources as other power plants—solar panels and wind turbines, for example—and it has minimal environmental impact when compared to burning fossil fuels like gas.

If you’re looking to save money on fuel, can have a charger fitted and home and only drive short journeys. an electric vehicle could certainly save you money. Since electricity is cheaper than gasoline, your monthly expenses could be lower if you opt for an EV instead of a traditional car or truck. And if you drive enough miles every month (the average American spends about 40 hours behind the wheel each week), then those savings could really add up over time!

Finally, there are several benefits when it comes to maintenance costs: Electric motors don’t require oil changes or spark plugs; they also have fewer moving parts so repairs aren’t as frequent as they would be otherwise in regular vehicles (and since there aren’t any fluids like transmission fluid/coolant which need changing often).

However, it’s not all rosy and for most people, the picture is more complicated.

The Truth About Electric Cars

When you hear the term “electric car,” what comes to mind? Perhaps you imagine an eco-friendly vehicle that recharges itself from a solar panel on your roof, or maybe you feel like the kind of person who would drive a Tesla and feel like they’re saving the environment. However, it turns out that electric cars aren’t as green as they’re made out to be—and there are plenty of other reasons why they might not be right for you.

Electric vehicles use more energy than regular cars do and need topping up more often. Added to that, they’re super expensive to buy, not that cheap to run if you can’t charge at home and don’t last long in terms of mileage (most have a very limited range that makes long journeys a nightmare). Drivers find they need to drive more slowly – because many cars lose charge rapidly if driving above 50mph.  Driver Richard, who ditched his electric car after only 6 months, said:

“I was constantly worried about the battery, and didn’t feel I could drive above 49mph because it nosedived when you did.  When you aren’t at home and aren’t near a charger, it’s just plain stressful.  Not to mention the amount I’ve spent on food and drink sitting in service stations while waiting for it to charge.  I’m done trying to be green, when hydrogen is in Wales I may rethink, but for now I’m going back to a car I enjoy driving.”

There are certainly electric cars that perform longer and faster – but you won’t normally find them on an entry level budget.

Electric cars do not reduce carbon emissions.

Electric cars are often touted as the solution to climate change and air pollution, but they’re not. Often the electricity that powers electric vehicles is generated by burning fossil fuels. This means that an electric car does not reduce carbon emissions, it just shifts them from your tailpipe to your utility bill. In other words: electric cars are not zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) unless the power for them comes from a green source.

Added to that, the batteries that power them have a limited life and cannot be recycled and there is also the need to factor in the carbon footprint incurred in producing both the batteries and the cars themselves.

The truth is that no single type of transportation produces zero emissions; in fact, all forms of transportation contribute to the problem of climate change in some way or another. Gasoline-powered cars have their share of disadvantages too—they emit harmful pollutants like nitrogen oxide and particulate matter into our air every time they’re driven—but at least they produce fewer greenhouse gases than diesel-powered trucks and buses do per mile travelled!

So what’s the best way to reduce carbon emissions? The answer lies not just in building better cars but also improving public transit systems and encouraging people to walk and cycle more often instead of relying solely on their vehicles for short journeys.

This new car technology is interesting but let’s wait and see what happens.

So far, we’ve seen electric cars make a big splash in the media, but it’s probably too soon to tell if they’ll catch on with consumers. We need to wait and see how this technology develops, how governments respond and what businesses plan to do with it.


So what does this mean for the future of electric cars? Well, if you’re looking for a new car, don’t drive a great distance from your home and can have a charger and solar panels fitted to your home, chances are you can make an impact on your pockets and the environment by going electric.

However, if you take longer trips and need to charge away from home, like driving fast or like all the electrics on when driving, it’s probably worth hiring one short term from someone like Onto, which you can do with just a month’ commitment, and see whether or not it works for you and your lifestyle before committing to buy.


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